Saturday, September 24, 2016

Welcome to the Windwarrior Protection Blog!

Welcome to the Windwarrior Protection Blog!

This is the official blog of Windwarrior Protection, the Chicagoland area's premiere source of personal protection training. We teach Concealed Carry, Basic Pistol/Handgun, Advanced Firearms Training, Home Defense, Situational Awareness and Active Shooter/Terrorist Interdiction.

Our Concealed Carry Class certifies the student for Illinois, Arizona and Florida, which allows you to carry concealed in 36 states. Each student also receives a 244 pg. book titled "Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals" by the USCCA (US Concealed Carry Association). Our Chief Firearms Instructor, Robert Paluch, is a Certified Instructor with the USCCA.

Advanced Firearms Training uses L.A.S.R. Simulation (SIRT Laser) and live fire training.

Two new classes in development are Situational Awareness and Active Shooter/Terrorist Interdiction. Neither of these classes is currently being offered anywhere else, nor will they likely be offered by anyone else in the future.

For more information, visit our website at:

Windwarrior Protection

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